
Spousal Abuse

Domestic violence is an often misunderstood problem in our society that is frequently blamed on external forces. As an experienced Injury Attorney in Tyler, TX, I understand violence causes bad relationships and problems and not the other way around. A common myth is that drug and alcohol abuse causes spousal abuse. While substance abuse is commonly present in abusive relationships drug and alcohol abuse is at most a symptom and not a cause of violence. Another common, and equally invalid, excuse is that spousal abuse is caused by stress. While external forces such as unemployment, financial problems, family issues, or life's daily frustrations may aggravate a violent situation they do not alone cause abuse. Some people deal with stress and frustration by using drugs or alcohol. Others work out stress by focusing on a stress relieving sport or hobby. Stress or frustration is not an excuse or justification for domestic violence.

Spousal abuse is an under-appreciated problem because it tends to remain hidden. Battered women often have no resources of their own. Their children need them and they have come to believe that the only way that they have to provide for their children is to quietly stay in an abusive relationship. Some hide the abuse because of a false sense of shame. Others endure out of fear. One has only to walk the halls of the East Texas Crisis Center in Tyler to appreciate the gravity of the problem.

Physical assault or battery is a crime, whether it occurs inside or outside of the family. The police have the power and authority to protect victims from physical attack. The East Texas Crisis Center in Tyler offers shelter and guidance. The first step is stopping the abuse by reporting it to the proper authorities. The next step is retaining a civil attorney to obtain financial damages for the victim. No amount of money can right the wrong of spousal abuse but money damages will pay rent, buy food and clothing, provide transportation and help the victim get back in control of her life.

Domestic violence cases give rise to unique tactical considerations. Our firm has both successfully tried and settled a number of East Texas spousal abuse cases. We work closely with the authorities and oftentimes with the victim's divorce attorney.

After more than thirty-seven years as a Tyler Injury Lawyer handling thousands of personal injury cases there is virtually nothing that we haven't seen and successfully handled. There is no substitute for experience. If you want the assistance of an experienced Board Certified Personal Injury Attorney in the Tyler / Longview / East Texas area contact us today.

Board Certified in Personal Injury Trial Law


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