
Log Truck Accident/Automobile Accident Case

An East Texas junior high school teacher and coach was on the way to the doctor with her infant daughter when a log truck careened across the dividing line and slammed into her vehicle.

The impact caused multiple injuries including back injuries which prevented the teacher from continuing with coaching. Our investigation revealed that the log truck driver was not properly trained, had an extensive history of drunken driving and that his commercial driver's license had been revoked as a result of his convictions for driving while under the influence of alcohol.

Furthermore, the log truck was not properly equipped with blind spot mirrors. We also determined that the logging contractor committed numerous Department of Transportation (DOT) violations including failing to conduct a background check on the truck driver and failing to conduct a check ride to determine if the truck driver was familiar with the operation of a log truck. A substantial confidential settlement was reached.

Because of the environment in which log trucks work they often sustain damage during loading or while moving into or out of the woods. Mirrors get knocked off of the truck during loading. Tail lights get broken by tree limbs. Tires are damaged by stumps and debris from the logging operations. Damage to the log trucks occurs often enough that the logging contractors and log truck drivers develop an indifference to damaged mirrors, tail lights, tires and other safety features. The short distances that log trucks travel to and from the mill limits the amount of time that log trucks are on the public roadways where safety defects in the trucks might be detected by authorities. The probability of detection is further reduced by the back-road routes that log trucks frequently travel. There is an attitude among many logging contractors that the rules and regulations that address trucking safety for some reason don't apply to log trucks. I have taken the depositions of several logging contractors who were not even aware of the existence of the trucking safety rules and regulations. Because of the size, weight and poor safety condition of many log trucks accidents involving these trucks often involve death and disabling injuries and should be vigorously investigated and pursued.

After more than thirty-seven years and thousands of personal injury cases there is virtually nothing that we haven't seen and successfully handled. There is no substitute for experience. If you want the assistance of an experienced Board Certified Personal Injury Attorney in the Tyler / Longview / East Texas area contact us today.

Board Certified in Personal Injury Trial Law


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