
Henderson County, Texas

Henderson County Accident Attorney

Earl Drott is board certified in personal injury trial law and for more than 37 years has handled personal injury and wrongful death claims in Henderson County and the surrounding East Texas area. With a philosophy of helping all injured people the firm may find itself working on a car wreck claim involving soft tissue injuries one day and a wrongful death case the next day. As a Henderson County accident attorney Earl Drott has successfully tried a substantial number of personal injury cases to verdict. The vast majority of the firm’s injury cases are referred to the firm by past personal injury clients or area lawyers who choose to trust their personal injury clients to the firm.

While many of the firm’s clients have been involved in 18–wheeler, motorcycle, or auto accidents, with over 37 years of experience as a Henderson County injury lawyer Earl Drott has developed considerable expertise in a broad range of personal injury case types. Injury victims in need of a Henderson County accident lawyer should contact us today.

Henderson County, Texas is located on the western edge of the East Texas region. In 2010 its population was 78,532 people. The median household income in 2008 was $40,145. Athens, with a 2010 Census population of 12,710 residents, is the county seat of Henderson County. Chandler, with a 2000 Census population of 2,099, is the only other city with a population over 2,000. Henderson County is bordered on the north by Kaufman County, on the north by Van Zandt County, on the east by Smith County, on the southeast by Cherokee County, on the south by Anderson County, on the southwest by Freestone County, on the west by Navarro County, and on the northwest by Ellis County. Cedar Creek Reservoir in the northwestern part of Henderson County provides recreational opportunities.

The primary route from Henderson County to Tyler is along State Highway 31. Proceed in an easterly direction on State Highway 31 through Murchison, Brownsboro, and Chandler. After entering Smith County and approaching Tyler turn right onto Spur 364. Proceed on Spur 364 to the intersection with Southwest Loop 323 in Tyler. Turn right on Loop 323 and follow the Loop around to its intersection with State Highway 110. Turn left on Highway 110 and proceed to the intersection with Golden Road. Earl Drott Law is located in the Bank of America building at the intersection.

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