
Do I need to hire a lawyer to handle my automobile accident claim?

Probably so. There is a presumption in the insurance claims industry that the average person knows little or nothing regarding what they have a right to expect after an auto accident. Unfortunately, the insurance adjusters that commonly handle personal injury claims arising out of auto accidents have become accustomed to being able to take advantage of the lack of knowledge of the people who are injured in auto accidents.

An adjuster handles hundreds or even thousands of claims each year while most people may only be involved in one or two auto accidents during their entire lifetime. Thus the adjuster has a distinct advantage. Because adjusters are so often able to capitalize on that advantage, there is an expectation among the insurance companies that their adjusters should be able to take advantage of claimants who have not hired a lawyer.

This means that regardless of what you do or how much you know, an auto accident insurance adjuster will probably not treat you fairly unless you hire an attorney. This is not fair but it is simply the way the claims industry works.

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