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October 20, 2011

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Experts Skeptical of 'Anti-Concussion' Sports Equipment

Dirty Packing Plant Blamed for Killer Cantaloupes

Citigroup to Pay Millions to Close Fraud Complaint



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Medicare Secondary Payer--Liability Insurance

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Medicare Secondary Payer--Liability Insurance (Including Self-Insurance) Settlements, Judgments, Awards, or Other Payments and Future Medicals -- INFORMATION. The purpose of this memorandum is to provide information regarding proposed Liability Medicare Set-Aside Arrangement (LMSA) amounts related to liability insurance (including self-insurance) settlements, judgments, awards, or other payments (“settlements”). DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES -Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) Click on headline to access memo.  


TTLA Annual Meeting & Advanced PI CLE December 1-2, Hotel ZaZa Houston

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Formerly the TTLA Annual Conference, our December event is now the Annual Meeting & Advanced PI CLE! We've streamlined this event and we're now offering a one-day Advanced PI CLE, along with the Annual Membership & Board Meeting, President's Luncheon, and a spectacular Holiday Party at the home of Steve and Amber Mostyn. Topics include: Trucking, Immigration, Insurance Bad Faith, Discovery, Cross Examination And More!  




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Experts Skeptical of 'Anti-Concussion' Sports Equipment

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As scientists confirm that football and other high-impact sports can leave lasting brain damage, companies are marketing "anti-concussion" equipment to coaches, parents and children that, neurologists say, probably does not work. "I wish there was such a product on the market," Jeffrey Kutcher, chairman of the American Academy of Neurology's sports section, said at a Senate hearing Wednesday. "The simple truth is that no current helmet, mouth guard, headband or other piece of equipment can significantly prevent concussions from occurring."  Alexa Vaughn, LA Times  10/20/2011

Read Article: LA Times    


Dirty Packing Plant Blamed for Killer Cantaloupes

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A dirty packing facility at a Colorado farm was the likely source of an outbreak of listeria in cantaloupes that killed 25 people in the US since August, health authorities said Wednesday. The foodborne outbreak was the deadliest in a quarter century in the United States, and also sickened 123 people and caused one pregnant woman to miscarry, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said.  Kerry Sheridan, AFP, Yahoo News  10/20/2011

Read Article: Yahoo News    




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Citigroup to Pay Millions to Close Fraud Complaint

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Citigroup on Wednesday agreed to pay $285 million to settle a civil complaint by the Securities and Exchange Commission that it had defrauded investors who bought just such a deal. The transaction involved a $1 billion portfolio of mortgage-related investments, many of which were handpicked for the portfolio by Citigroup without telling investors of its role or that it had made bets that the investments would fall in value.  Edward Wyatt, The New York Times  10/20/2011

Read Article: The New York Times    

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