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August 10, 2011

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DuPont Recalls Herbicide that is Killing Trees

New York County Settles with Dead Inmate's Family

Drowning of 3 Children Prompts Suit in New York

Woman Severely Injured in Bus Crash, Files Suit



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DuPont Recalls Herbicide that is Killing Trees

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DuPont has announced that it will recall its widely used Imprelis herbicide after receiving complaints that the product has killed thousands of trees. The company has advised customers to stop using the herbicide around Norway spruce and white pines. The Environment Protection Agency has asked the company to release thousands of confidential documents on Imprelis' safety and effectiveness.  Jonathan Stempel, Reuters  08/04/2011

Read Article: Reuters    




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New York County Settles with Dead Inmate's Family

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Monroe County, N.Y., has agreed to a $275,000 settlement with the family of a local man who died while in the jail four years ago. In the lawsuit, the plaintiffs stated that prison medical officials were aware the man had a known heart condition but ignored it. The suit also claimed the man was not provided with any of his medication in the days leading up to his fatal heart attack.  Gary Craig , Rochester Democrat & Chronicle  08/08/2011

Read Article: Rochester Democrat & Chronicle    


Drowning of 3 Children Prompts Suit in New York

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A New York man has filed a lawsuit against the city of Newburgh and Orange County after his girlfriend drove herself and their four children intentionally into the Hudson River, killing herself and three of the kids. The suit claims the city "failed to create proper barriers that would have prevented [the woman] from driving her van into the river." The suit also alleges that the county's child protective services department "failed to properly monitor the family."  Ray Sanchez, Reuters  08/09/2011

Read Article: Reuters    


Woman Severely Injured in Bus Crash, Files Suit

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A Pennsylvania woman has filed a lawsuit against Megabus LLC Northest after she suffered severe brain and spine injuries in a 2010 Megabus crash. The crash occurred when the driver missed his exit off the interstate and ended up on a smaller road. The woman was seated on the second level of the bus when it crashed into a low railroad bridge. The suit claims the crash could have been averted had the bus been equipped with a GPS device.  Michael Hinkelman, Philadelphia Inquirer  08/08/2011

Read Article: Philadelphia Inquirer    

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